Dirty air ducts can contribute to health problems. If you or someone in your family suffers from indoor allergies, auto-immune disorders, or respiratory conditions, a dirty duct system can cause many issues.
Duct cleaning can remove these contaminants, although it should not be considered an easy cure for all ailments. Researching a company that does not make sweeping claims about health benefits from clean ducts is important. Click the https://www.allproutah.com to learn more.

Over time, all surfaces in your home become dusty and dirty. That includes your air ducts. In fact, they can be a source of many indoor pollutants like bacteria, pet dander, skin cells, mold, and tobacco smoke. These contaminants are pulled into your HVAC system and then recirculated throughout your home an average of five to seven times each day. As a result, they can build up inside your air ducts and create a huge health hazard.
Thankfully, you can improve the state of your air ducts with some simple preparation steps. Taking care of these tasks ahead of your duct cleaning will allow the process to be completed as efficiently and effectively as possible.
The first step is to clear a path to the area surrounding your vents and registers. This will help your duct cleaners get to work without having to move or relocate items. For this reason, it’s a good idea to vacuum around your vent covers and dust the areas around your registers and vent doors. This will not only make your home look better, but it will also help keep any settled dust from being stirred up and blown back into the air during your duct cleaning.
You may also want to consider moving any valuables away from the area where your ductwork is located. While reputable duct cleaners will be careful to avoid causing any damage, it’s a good idea to be proactive and ensure that your valuables are safe.
Before the duct cleaners arrive, you should also shut off your furnace and close all of your supply and return vents. This will create a negative pressure inside of your home that will make it easier for the duct cleaners to clean each and every one of your vents.
After the duct cleaners have finished their job, they will seal up all of your registers and your return and supply vents. For this step, it’s important that you make sure that all of your supply and return vents are open. This will help your house recover from the loss of heat or cooling and allow you to enjoy a fully restored system once it’s turned back on.
Some duct cleaning companies will offer to apply chemical biocides or other chemical treatments to your air ducts and equipment after the cleanout. While these chemicals can help to prevent the growth of bacteria, they can also cause harm if used improperly. It’s a good idea to research any company that suggests these types of treatments before hiring them to perform an air duct cleaning.
Some homeowners choose to leave their home during the duct cleaning process, while others prefer to stay and watch the process unfold. Regardless of your decision, it’s a good idea to keep children and pets away from the areas where the duct cleaners are working. This will not only ensure that they aren’t disturbed, but it will also ensure that they don’t touch or mess with any of the duct cleaning equipment.
Air duct cleaning involves much more than just scrubbing a vent and vacuuming up the dust. In fact, before the technician even gets to your vents they’ll need to inspect them to determine what level of cleaning is needed. This includes looking at the ductwork itself as well as your home’s indoor air quality. In addition, the company will also need to make sure they have access to your ducts, which typically requires hooking up their truck-powered vacuum collection device to one of your ducts, or cutting an opening in the plenum. This will allow the vacuum to suck up particles and contaminants that would otherwise be pushed back into your living space when your HVAC system is turned on again after cleaning.
The inspection process involves examining each supply and return vent, and then checking the interior of each duct for signs of blockage or moisture problems. Some companies offer additional services such as ultrasonic or infrared imaging which can find hard-to-see contaminants such as mold and rodent droppings. The inspector will also test for mold growth inside your ducts by placing a small amount of white vinegar in each vent, and then returning a few hours later to see if the vinegar has spread. If it has, this suggests that mold is growing in your ducts and that they need to be cleaned.
A professional will also test for leaks by placing a hand near duct seams and connections and feeling for air movement. They’ll also inspect the insulation for damage and damp spots, which can indicate problems with mold and moisture. Some companies may also use a smoke test by lighting an incense stick and holding it near the duct seams. If the smoke wafts erratically, this can also suggest that there are leaks in your ductwork that need to be addressed.
In addition to causing indoor air quality issues, dirty ducts can cause your furnace and AC to work harder to maintain your desired temperature, which can shorten their lifespans. By having your ducts cleaned regularly, you can help prevent these problems while saving energy and improving indoor air quality.
When choosing an air duct cleaning company, it’s important to choose a service that has an excellent reputation and plenty of certification verifications. It’s also a good idea to find out whether they’re members of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA). This will ensure that they follow NADCA standards for the best results. Finally, it’s a good idea to request references from past clients and read online reviews before making a decision. Choosing the right company can dramatically improve your indoor air quality, prevent serious health issues and save you money on heating and cooling bills.
Your air ducts are difficult to get to and clean without the help of specialized tools. They’re hidden inside walls, behind drywall, and beneath floorboards, so you can’t just open the vent and wipe them down like you would with your kitchen or bathroom vents. Moreover, the fact that you can’t easily reach them makes it hard to determine when they need to be cleaned. But there are certain environmental indicators that can alert you to their need for professional cleaning. These include a noticeable build-up of dust, unexplained respiratory issues, or a musty odor.
In the case of a musty odor, it’s usually due to an accumulation of moisture and mold growth. If you notice any of these, it’s time to call for a professional air duct cleaning service.
Duct cleaning involves using mechanical brushes, compressed air hoses, and other specialized tools to scrub the interior surfaces of your ductwork and dislodge contaminants. Some companies also use chemical cleaners to sanitize the inside of your ductwork.
The first step is to locate your ductwork system and make sure the technician has access to it. The ducts are often located in the attic, basement, garage, or utility closet of your home. Ensure that there’s a clear path to the equipment, and consider relocating furniture or other items that will block the ductwork.
Once the ducts are accessible, the duct cleaning company will vacuum all of the dirt and debris from their inside surfaces using a powerful truck-mounted or portable vacuum. The hose has a rotating nylon brush on the end that scrapes away any dust or debris and then is sucked up by the vacuum. This process can take a long time, and it’s not as effective as cleaning using the contact vacuuming technique.
Before vacuuming, the duct cleaner will use the brush to agitate the inside of the ductwork and create reverse pressure in the system. This helps to loosen up the contaminants and make them easier to extract.
Some duct cleaning companies may suggest applying chemical biocides or other sprays to the inside surfaces of your air ducts and HVAC equipment in order to sanitize them. These practices have not been well-studied, and it is generally recommended that you avoid them. Whatever is in your ducts will eventually circulate throughout the entire house, so it’s best to focus on eliminating the conditions that caused the contamination in the first place. This will ensure that the problems do not recur. It’s also important to note that if you have severe allergies or asthma, getting your ducts cleaned won’t necessarily improve your symptoms. Talk to your doctor before deciding to have this done.